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Gratitude #14: We are intentional with our focus

Writer's picture: Heralds Of FreddomHeralds Of Freddom

2 Corinthians 4:18
"So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever."
_ 2 Corinthians 4:18

We fix our eyes on what is eternal, not the temporary things right in front of us. When we focus on the temporary and seen things instead of the unseen and eternal, our focus is diverted from God to ourselves and other people.

The things that move us toward dissatisfaction, comparison and jealousy are to be avoided at all cost.

When you are prone to want, stop and remember. As you wander the aisles of Target or the sporting goods store and see all the things you want but don’t have right now, turn your attention to what you do have.

The car that drove you to the store, the feet that let you walk the aisles, the eyes to see it and take it all in.

When we shift our focus from our wants to what we have, we give the praise to our Provider. Let your focus be on what is around you, what you have inside your home or in your closet and how you can allow those things to fuel your praise.

When we intentionally focus on seeing God in the midst of the “stuff”, we are redirecting our attention and a shift happens in our heart.

Now, What do you tend to catch yourself focusing on? Is there anything you’re currently focused on that you need to lay down, so you can shift your focus to your Creator?

Today’s list will look a little different. Write down the things that have your focus right now. Right or wrong, good or not so good, take a minute in prayer and surrender those things to the Father and thank Him for them. Ask Him to shift your focus away from the things that are NOT Him, toward the things that are.

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