Matthew 26:55
"In that same hour said Jesus to the multitudes, Are you come out as against a thief with swords and staves to take me? I sat daily with you teaching in the temple, and you laid no hold on me."
Have you ever doubted the love of Jesus? Consider His sacrifice for you. For His own sins, He did not have to endure such sufferings. Peter said of Him, “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. He committed no sin; no guile was found on his lips” (1 Peter 2:21, 22).
Despite never having committed any sin, He was still forced to ask, “Are ye come out as against a thief with swords and staves to take me?” All He ever did was preach, teach and heal needy souls. “The thief” He said, “comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). The word 'staves' is the plural form of the word staff. His attackers used staves meant for dogs and donkeys. When David approached Goliath with a staff in his hand, he asked “Am I a dog, that you come to me with staves? And the Philistine cursed David by his gods” (1 Samuel 17:43). The thought of being hit with a stave offended even the worst of men. When Balaam strove with the stubbornness of the donkey that wouldn’t follow his orders his “anger was kindled, and he hit the donkey with a staff” (Numbers 22:27).
Isaiah used the stubbornness of the donkey to represent the stubborn hearts of the Israelites and Peter used the filthy nature of dogs to describe the impurity of those who live in open sin (See Isaiah 1;1-3; 1 Peter 2:20-22). Although these accusations were not found to be true in the life of Jesus, He was treated as if it was. Nonetheless, He still humbled Himself throughout all of it. He did this, not for His benefits, but for sinners like you and me.
Ungrateful sinners who enter their cars and forget to ask God to lead the way; ungrateful sinners who choose their spouses and blame God for their divorces; ungrateful sinners who neglect spending time with Him but always ask for blessings; ungrateful sinners who rise in the morning and look at social media platforms before prayer and time with Him. These are the ones He died for. It is for murders, thieves, and the world’s most wicked leaders causing wars and famine, that Jesus suffered. He came to give life, but not for the preservation of His own. He came to teach, but not to be recognized as a leading philosopher. Neglected at His birth and crucified to death, the Son of Man did not receive the treatment that world leaders do. They came to Him, not with papers and pens to receive His wisdom, not with bread to be multiplied, not with offerings and gifts, but with “swords and staves.” Dogs and donkeys were given better treatment than Jesus, yet not one time did He say, "This is not fair!" On the contrary, "He opened not His mouth."
The One who had every quality of a great King, we treated like dogs and donkeys, and we who act like dogs and donkeys, He treats like kings and queens (Revelation 1:6).
Is it common for you to complain when you suffer? Consider Jesus. Do you think the world should treat you better? Consider Jesus.
Oh, precious soul, how valuable must you be to Him, in order for Him to undergo swords and staves on your behalf?
At this time, take a moment and write down your prayers. Jot down ten reasons why you are thankful for Jesus and His sacrifice. Write down the names of five people who have done wrong to you that you will pray for and ask God to forgive and give you power to forgive also. Jesus is beautiful. He is glorious. Please do not stop here, you may get a hold of the book The Desire of Ages—one of the most detailed commentators on the life of Jesus and read more about this Man who suffered for you.
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