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Part 5: Servitude

Writer's picture: Heralds Of FreddomHeralds Of Freddom

Part 5: Servitude ( Audio Devotion)

Matthew 6:24

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” (Matthew 6:24 NIV)

This verse provides you and me with a valuable insight about money. That insight is captured in the fact that the word in the original language that Jesus gives to money is the word translated “Lord,” the same title given to God.

Naturally, the question arises as to why He would assign money that kind of power.

The fact is, we rarely, if ever, think about it, but money can be our master. In fact, that is our natural default; to be obedient to money. To worship it. To serve it. To give it prominence in our life that should only be reserved for God.

The result is that we become slaves of money, living under its power and cruel mastery.

How do you know if it is your master?

  • You are bound by the chains of consumer debt.

  • There is more month than there is money because you have overcommitted yourself financially, whether it’s that car you shouldn’t have bought or that mortgage that is beyond your means.

  • Investing in Kingdom purposes (your local church or other Christian ministries) is an afterthought of your financial decisions, with little given to either.

  • Your financial priorities are gaining more stuff or growing your financial status.

You and I live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with marketing messages and a worldview that our worth and value are wrapped up in what we have, where we live, and our status in society.

It’s a lie straight from the pit of hell.

Your value and worth are wrapped up in the person of Jesus regardless of your financial portfolio or societal status.

He alone is your Lord.

Is He?



7 days to become secure for life

You have reached to the end of today's devotion. Come tomorrow to continue to learn more about this topic. "becoming secure for life"

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